Promotion of your vision through the medium of photo & video.

In today's connected world it's as important as ever to be on the forefront of innovation to succeed. I am accomplishing this by providing small scale promotional content through an already established but still emerging industry. Gone are the days where only big brand name companies are able to produce professional visual advertisements. Looking to sell a house? Promote your band? Show off your accommodations or activities you offer? With our services your audience will receive its Peak Perception of your vision.


You'll also find links in this site to my passions, and be able to follow along and read about my adventures thus far and those to come.


All photography by Sasha Link unless otherwise noted.




Do you perform music? Or perhaps you sell an activity or provide accommodation. Whatever the reason, if you are seeking more exposure that will engage potential customers, you've come to right place.

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Real Estate 

Selling your house independently or with an agency? Showing off all of your property's best angles are a much better way to sell than a small ad in the local paper.

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Special interest

Have a special interest that isn't mentioned? There is always time to look into a potential project.

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  Being immersed in other cultures around the globe and visiting new destinations has broadened my world view while at the same time giving me an strong appreciation for home.

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Action & Adventure

Our vast outdoor playground has played a huge roll in my life and i'm grateful for the opportunity to showcase it!
