
Growing up I've had the great fortune to visit many places which has instilled in me the "travel bug" that I can't seem to shake. Family in Europe, vacations in Hawaii and the Caribbean, road tripping around Canada and the US and my most recent backpacking trips to Southeast Asia and Australia have culminated to a true passion for discovering the unknown that lies beyond the comfort of my own stomping grounds.



What you've heard is most likely true in some form or another, this gateway country to southeast asia is a culture shock and certainly seems like a wild west at first. Although as you spend time here, and observe how the country works you realize that it is a well greased machine that finds comfort in organized chaos. I got to know many locals in my time here and learned why Thailand is known as "The land of smiles".



What started out on a whim to visit a good friend of mine who had been living abroad for some time, turned into an unforgettable adventure down under. As luck would have it we found accommodation with some unforgettably hospitable distant relatives who, along with my friend Scott, took us on some great adventures throughout the state of Victoria. My only regret is not seeing more of the country - although that's a great motivation (or excuse) to travel back soon!


My dad who is heavily into fitness and physical activity signed up for Ironman Cabo San Lucas - much to our delight. As winter was just closing in in Canada we escaped to Mexico to bask in the sun and the sea and experience all the great activities that the Baja peninsula had to offer. And to support my dad of course - he doesn't drink, so someone had to pick up the slack!


While not the most exotic of destinations for someone born here, this country offers amazing adventures and endless travel opportunities within the confines of its own borders. Travelling across this vast land, I've only had the chance to experience 4 provinces yet but plan on one day seeing them all. Here's what I've seen and documented thus far.